I/ITSEC notes: Intro
The I/ITSEC 2007 category is for recording notes and linking to materials pertaining to this years conference, November 26-29, in Orlando, Florida.
I attended the following sessions:
Special Event: Congressional M&S Caucus
Tutorial: Distributed Simulation Fundamentals
Tutorial: Range Interoperability Using TENA and TENA Middleware
Tutorial: Introduction to Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification
Opening Ceremonies: Keynotes from Gen. William R. Looney, III, USAF, Commander AETC, and Gen. Larry D. Welch, USAF (Ret.), President, Institute for Defense Analyses.
Paper: Live-Virtual-Constructive Architecture Interoperability Assessment
Paper: The Open Technology Development Challenge: Are You Ready?
Paper: Achieving Simulation Interoperability: Republic of Korea and the United States
Paper: Preventing the Tanker Two Step: Renewed Emphasis on Geospatial Data Quality
Paper: Development of a Persistent Partner Simulation Network Capability
Paper: The Ripple Effects of Information Assurance on the Simulation World
Paper: Performance Considerations of Embedded Scripting Languages in Real-Time Training
I attended meetings in the CymSTAR conference room with Veraxx regarding CH-53 and with Phil Boettjer regarding USMC programs.
I also spent a considerable amount of time on the exhibit floor, speaking to representatives and viewing exhibits from ASTI and Simphonics, Christie Digital (visual projection systems), 3D Perception, Glass Mountain Optics (visual screens), Display Solutions, Concurrent, Electrosonic, Wittenstein Aerospace & Simulation (electric control loading), RedHat, Aero Simulation, Inc., J. F. Taylor, Inc., MS&T, CAE, Aegis, Precision Display Technologies, D&SCI, Scalable Display Technologies (EasyBlend), TENA SDA, AVCATT, GE Fanuc, UEI, SCT, Sytronics, PEO Stri, AFRL, Northrup Grumman. I spoke to Randy Hobbs of Northrup Grumman, who is the liaison for DMO for the Air Combat Command. AFRL Mesa demonstrated a live-virtual-constructive close air support demonstration.
Evening activities included attending CymSTAR's AMC social at the Cricketer's Arms and a dinner hosted by Proactive Technologies.
I attended the following sessions:
Special Event: Congressional M&S Caucus
Tutorial: Distributed Simulation Fundamentals
Tutorial: Range Interoperability Using TENA and TENA Middleware
Tutorial: Introduction to Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification
Opening Ceremonies: Keynotes from Gen. William R. Looney, III, USAF, Commander AETC, and Gen. Larry D. Welch, USAF (Ret.), President, Institute for Defense Analyses.
Paper: Live-Virtual-Constructive Architecture Interoperability Assessment
Paper: The Open Technology Development Challenge: Are You Ready?
Paper: Achieving Simulation Interoperability: Republic of Korea and the United States
Paper: Preventing the Tanker Two Step: Renewed Emphasis on Geospatial Data Quality
Paper: Development of a Persistent Partner Simulation Network Capability
Paper: The Ripple Effects of Information Assurance on the Simulation World
Paper: Performance Considerations of Embedded Scripting Languages in Real-Time Training
I attended meetings in the CymSTAR conference room with Veraxx regarding CH-53 and with Phil Boettjer regarding USMC programs.
I also spent a considerable amount of time on the exhibit floor, speaking to representatives and viewing exhibits from ASTI and Simphonics, Christie Digital (visual projection systems), 3D Perception, Glass Mountain Optics (visual screens), Display Solutions, Concurrent, Electrosonic, Wittenstein Aerospace & Simulation (electric control loading), RedHat, Aero Simulation, Inc., J. F. Taylor, Inc., MS&T, CAE, Aegis, Precision Display Technologies, D&SCI, Scalable Display Technologies (EasyBlend), TENA SDA, AVCATT, GE Fanuc, UEI, SCT, Sytronics, PEO Stri, AFRL, Northrup Grumman. I spoke to Randy Hobbs of Northrup Grumman, who is the liaison for DMO for the Air Combat Command. AFRL Mesa demonstrated a live-virtual-constructive close air support demonstration.
Evening activities included attending CymSTAR's AMC social at the Cricketer's Arms and a dinner hosted by Proactive Technologies.
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