flightglobal.com: Australia Aerospace delivers Thales Tiger simulator
From flightglobal.com, an aerospace news website, which has occasional stories about flight simulation and training:
Australian Aerospace has delivered the Thales full flight and mission simulator for the Australian army's delayed Eurocopter Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopter programme. Included is a suite of related aircrew and ground training devices, including gun system, centre fuselage and environmental control system trainers.The equipment will be based at the Army Aviation Training Centre at Oakey, Queensland, with an underwater escape trainer to be installed in Darwin. The FFMS uses two separate modules to replicate the Tiger's front and back cockpits.
Australia expects its 22 aircraft to enter operational service from mid-2008. The programme has suffered a two-year slippage because of delays in the Franco-German Tiger programme, with simulator development, crew training and aircraft deliveries all affected.
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